Brexit……what Brexit

Driving home from London following a visit to family, the radio has news of Brexit.  During the visit there had been heated discussion about Brexit, I recognised the symptoms from work lots of passion/anger with the argument heading in the same direction.  At work we call it violent agreement. The conversation with my wife in the car is gloomy.

On arrival home no time to dwell, I had to jump on my bike to get some cross training in for the marathon.  Off to the Vale of Pewsey on a brillant spring evening, The hedges have the green fuzz of leaves starting to break out, there is blossom on trees and mad march hares are in a field.  I turn west and straight into the sun, it is a glorious sunset. I’m struck as I stop to snap the sunset I haven’t thought of Brexit once on the ride so far. I jump back onto the bike and ride into sunset and banish from my mind the Country’s future for the remainder of the ride.

Sunset Pewsey Vale

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On retirement still looking for a positive role in life it was either local politics or campaign for environmental change. I chose the environment but quickly found that campaigning involves mixing it with politicians. Frustrated by inaction and lack of public concern for the impact of climate change on future generations I have started to study a master’s degree in Sustainability and Behaviour Change with the Graduate School for the Environment which is part of the Centre for Alternative Technology.

4 thoughts on “Brexit……what Brexit”

      1. Sun setting on GB (notice I’ve left off UK) may be. Many thanks for the donation. Full of flu/cold so will be crawling round. Hope you had a good birthday


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