Journeys End and Thank You

At the start with the whole of London ahead
The journey that I recorded in my blog The Road Ahead is over with 26.2 miles of London streets behind me.  Although it was my feet pounding the roads I couldn’t have done it without a huge amount of help and support.
Nothing quite goes to plan and having lost nearly a month of training at a critical point to an injury due to my own stupidity and virus I was almost on the point of pulling out.  I set yesterday morning with 2 objectives, finish and enjoy it.  Both achieved – it wasn’t all plain sailing between 16 and 22 mile points was hard.  My only regret was to be beaten by the man in a rhino costume (see Blog ‘Watch out for the rhino‘ to get the reference). I did manage to outpace the racing duck in the final 100m.
The last mile – it was a long mile
None of this would have been possible without the support of many people.
A huge THANK YOU to all those who sponsored me – the thought of your generosity sustained me particularly between 16 and 22 mile point.
Lizzie and Charlie Stevenson who live in Blackheath a stones throw away from the start and gave me a bed last night and are excellent hosts.
Richard Smith for still supporting me despite not turning up for training.  His coaching advice he has given over the years has proved invaluable.
Guy Kingston and Gareth Pledger from Hatts Health and Movement Clinic.  Gareth’s strength and conditioning sessions kept my legs moving right up to the final line, hurting but still working.  Guy’s treatment of all the niggling injuries reduced my time off the road and he had to deal with my self-inflicted injury. It was his handiwork that gave me the tribal marking of the ‘Auldknackaris’ Tribe (see blog ‘Last Legs‘).
My family, Nick, Eleni, Emma, Jessica and Kalliopi (aka Pitsi) who supported my training, watched training races and cheering on during the race.
Last but not least Carol has has endured all the training schedules with early and late meals, always encouraging and put up with the delay the marathon caused to our retirement trip.

Once again many thanks to all.
The end and I’m finished


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On retirement still looking for a positive role in life it was either local politics or campaign for environmental change. I chose the environment but quickly found that campaigning involves mixing it with politicians. Frustrated by inaction and lack of public concern for the impact of climate change on future generations I have started to study a master’s degree in Sustainability and Behaviour Change with the Graduate School for the Environment which is part of the Centre for Alternative Technology.

One thought on “Journeys End and Thank You”

  1. Wow, congratulations on such a brilliantly written and inspiring blog, Graham – and fantastic to have smashed your target. It was great to be there and cheer you on. Need to take a leaf out of your book on the fitness front! Thank you for being such an inspiring Gorilla Organization runner.


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